Mike Weygandt God's Gathering Place Mike Weygandt God's Gathering Place

Cold Cup of Water

Mike Weygandt reads through Matthew 10 to explain the importance of being a witness to one’s neighbor of God’s glory.

“Let this ‘cold cup of water’ resonate in your heart and in your mind, and when you see people, see them as thirsty. Just simply offer them a cold cup of water.”

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Guest Speaker, Mike Weygandt God's Gathering Place Guest Speaker, Mike Weygandt God's Gathering Place

Being Reconciled in Christ

Beginning his study from Colossians 1, Mike shares in this message the power of reconciliation with Christ.

“This morning I’m going to talk about being reconciled in Christ. Often when we talk about that subject, we talk in the context of sharing with the lost about being reconciled in Christ—and that’s a great message, and an appropriate message, and very effective at sharing Christ with the lost; to know that they can be reconciled—but often I think we as believers forget or don’t understand what it really means to be reconciled, and who we are in Christ because of that reconciliation.”

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Guest Speaker, Mike Weygandt God's Gathering Place Guest Speaker, Mike Weygandt God's Gathering Place

How to Interpret the Parable of the Sower and the Seed

In this video examining the parable of the Sower and the Seed, Michael asks, “Why is it important to study the parable? In Mark 4:13, Jesus says ‘If you do not understand this parable (the parable of the Soils) how then will you understand all parables?’ So there’s something about the parable of the Sower that is a key that unlocks the mysteries within all the parables that Jesus told.”

Watch this video to learn how to view this parable from a different perspective, with the goal to understand the heart of God and what He is trying to convey through Jesus’ teaching in all the other parables.

Please accept our apologies concerning the audio in this video. Every effort was made to improve the audio to make Mike more discernible.

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