JoAnn Thompson God's Gathering Place JoAnn Thompson God's Gathering Place

The Importance of an Inner Circle

“It’s the right connections we want to make. It’s the connections where we come together in the Spirit. … It's not who you’re related to. It’s not about who you grew up with. It’s not about the neighbor next door that has always been the neighbor next door. It’s not about those things. ‘Those who do the will of my father, those are the ones that truly are family.’ Those are the ones we’re supposed to begin to connect with, and depend on, and talk to.”

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JoAnn Thompson God's Gathering Place JoAnn Thompson God's Gathering Place

Being Transparent

“One of the things that keeps coming across my spirit is how limited the time is—even if the Lord doesn’t come back in the next few years, like so many people seem to think He is—our time on this planet is still limited. We’re not here for eternity. We have a short time here. And while we’re here, God’s got good plans and purposes for us; but are we walking in them? Our goal is to prepare ourselves to have our hearts continually ready so that we can be used by Him at any time: whether that’s in the doctor's office; whether that’s at Walmart; wherever you are. Where He can pick you to use you at any given moment, for our hearts to be right before Him, for us to be in that ever-state of preparation; and so, we’ll look at it a little bit today.”

Pastor JoAnn shares the benefits of a transparent lifestyle in Jesus Christ.

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