Preparation for Harvest
“The harvest comes in the fall, normally. We’ve had lots and lots of prophecy go out about the big harvest—the big one—coming in. It’s still prophecy, right? And it is coming. But if we’re going to properly manage the harvest, we have to prepared. We have to be prepared. Now for a long, long time, the general attitude has been in the church, “I’ll come and sit on the pew, and I’ll listen, and I’ll do my part—you know, while I’m here on the pew, listening, taking a few notes—but really that harvest thing that belongs to those preachers.” That’s been the general attitude. Well, that’s not exactly what God intended. God intended all of us to be out there.
“Then Jesus, when He was talking, He looked out. and He says, ‘Look,’ He says, ‘the harvest is ripe. Pray the Lord to bring workers.’ Well, that’s you, that’s me, that’s all of us! We're workers in the harvest.”