An Untitled Sermon
“If I forgive people, if I forgive them for this, it just feels like they get off the hook. You know anybody ever have that thought? Well, y’know what, your hook’s not that big and bad anyway. Forgiving somebody, all it really does is release you. It releases you in obedience to God and in freedom. It cuts you free from those tendrils of whatever you’ve forgiven. It cuts you free, and what you’re basically doing by forgiving and releasing those things, you’re saying, ‘God, I trust you with this matter. I trust you.’ So we’re going to look just a little bit today at some of the way God views that, some of the things that are written in his word.”
Forgive for Real
The Holy Spirit challenged Pastor JoAnn to return to the oft-discussed topic of forgiveness, as the importance of this subject was too great to avoid.
Ways of the Enemy
Pastor JoAnn discusses the ways Satan attacks Christians and what we are to do to keep him at bay.
When Life Hurts
Based on the sermon in Luke 6, Pastor JoAnn encourages listeners to enjoy the love and peace of forgiveness in the Lord.