Hunters and Fishers
Pastor JoAnn provides insight into the differences between the hunters and fishers described in Jeremiah 16:14–17.
“I believe that we are in a bridge of time; that God is using the fishers to get His people ready for the second big gathering of people in Israel, which is the Millennial Reign. He’s using the fishers. You’ve been hearing, from at least this pulpit, [and] many pulpits around the world, a call to get ready to be prepared; because Jesus is coming. A call—fishers, if you will, telling you the promises of God: it’s time to prepare; it’s time to get ready. There will be a remnant that will come because of the fishers and the messages they preach; but I propose to you that the hunters will come, and if you won’t get your life in a state that God wants it in willingly, you’ll do so under great pressure and with much loss. You see, this is a serious message; the hunters are coming.”