He Who Has Ears to Hear
“Before you get born again, it’s harder to understand the things of the Spirit because your spirit ears aren’t awakened yet. They’ve not really come to life yet. Well, once you get born again, you can ask for Holy Spirit to help you to awaken your spiritual senses.”
The Prodigal Son
Peggy Sue Nix shares her perspective on Luke 15’s “The Prodigal Son” parable.
How to Interpret the Parable of the Sower and the Seed
In this video examining the parable of the Sower and the Seed, Michael asks, “Why is it important to study the parable? In Mark 4:13, Jesus says ‘If you do not understand this parable (the parable of the Soils) how then will you understand all parables?’ So there’s something about the parable of the Sower that is a key that unlocks the mysteries within all the parables that Jesus told.”
Watch this video to learn how to view this parable from a different perspective, with the goal to understand the heart of God and what He is trying to convey through Jesus’ teaching in all the other parables.
Please accept our apologies concerning the audio in this video. Every effort was made to improve the audio to make Mike more discernible.
The Ten Virgins (The Return of the Lord)
Mark discusses the parable of The Ten Virgins and how Christians are to remain vigilant for the return of their Savior. “What happens if we’re not looking? What happens if we’re not sober, if we’re not vigilant? If we’re not prepared, what happens? You think you might get left behind? [I] think it’s a possibility.”
Mark 4: The Parable of the Sower and the Seed
Pastor JoAnn delves into “the meat” of one of her favorite parables: the parable of the Sower and the Seed.